Articles on: How to Use PixAI
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Quick Start (updated at 1/2025)


Direct Generation

Log in/register using a third-party account or your verified email

Claim your daily credit by

Pop-up window

Profile -> credits -> claim daily credits

Describe the image you want in the prompt box on the main page and click "Generate“.

Or, click "Generation" from the sidebar to go to the generation panel, where you can describe the image in prompt and adjust the settings to fit your preferences.

Referencing others' art

Login/Register with third party account or verified email
Claim your daily credit by

Pop-up window
Profile -> credits -> claim daily credits
Browse the main page to find artwork that you might like.

Click on the artwork, then click "Use as Reference" in the top left corner.

You'll be redirected to the generation panel, where the prompt and settings for the artwork you referenced will be ready for you to generate a similar piece.

You can also adjust the prompt while keeping the other settings unchanged.

Please note that you won't be able to copy and use the prompt if the author has chosen to hide it for their artworks.

Updated on: 14/03/2025

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